Our Mission

The covenant of grace is the ultimate gift of God granted to every believer to experience the unlimited authority, wisdom, glory and the acts of the Most High God whose love for man exceeds knowledge and understanding. This awesome authority of grace has appeared to all men by Christ Jesus. The greatest adventure ever known in creation is for a man to walk with God by the indwelling power and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. By this office, for every man, do we make history and change the topography of life, culture and every language on the earth. The invitation echoes every second from the Lord for all men to receive this grace as a key to resourcefully deploy the works of God through ordinary men from the North Pole to the South Pole. Grace therefore is the greatest key of the Kingdom of God for transformation, breakthroughs and advancement. It is our time to bring the world to the high standard of living. God’s grace is the high life we all desire. It is the power that brings sustainable life changing testimonies for excellence. There is grace for every nation. Together let’s make it happen!



“We are passionate with this passion. It burns like fire in our spirit to fulfill this great mandate. The greatest excitement is for the nations to be baptized in the love of God, which is the most powerful knowledge ever revealed. He cares for our homes, our businesses, our families, our schools and colleges, our farms, our politics and our high tech communities, etc. This is the most impactful reason for ministry.”

— Dr. Emmanuel Ziga, President