

Glory Partners: Empowering Kingdom Growth

The creation of heaven and earth was made possible by the partnership of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. This incredible act of the Godhead set in motion the wisdom of credible partnership needed to advance the management of creation and, even more, the creative dynamics of the human race.

Partnership is sharing. The sharing of strengths, stamina, vision, and dignity. This incredible phenomenon of heaven is what has produced the beautiful earth we see today.

For every vision from God, there is an assembly of like-minded gifts and understanding that carry it through from thought to manifestation and from manifestation to cycles of continuous profitability and harvest.

Partnership is a major key in the Kingdom of God. We look forward to the inspired motivation of the Holy Spirit that brings us together in a dynamic global partnership. Furthermore, the impact of such workable agreement influences the world with the manifest presence of God, which is translated into the practical help and favor that makes this world a better place through the Gospel of Jesus.

Partnership is a blessing that makes all things possible in the Kingdom of God. Let’s make it happen to the glory of God. We welcome your credible partnership through Christ Jesus.

Together, let’s share our resources, gifts, talents, and opportunities for this Kingdom.

Thank you.

Dr. E. Ziga